Gabriel Jackson of Polk County, NC

Here’s a genealogy, done some time ago by Between the Lakes Group partner Judith Sherman, that’s been hiding in plain sight for a number of years.  We had planned to publish it years ago, but the manuscript got buried, and time passed, and we just uncovered it yesterday!

Here’s the sales blurb:

Gabriel Jackson of Polk County, North Carolina:  one line of descent

by Judith Moore Sherman (Brown) (1987)

We think that this work, by one of the partners of Between the Lakes Group, will be helpful for two reasons (beyond the careful scholarship that went into its preparation).

First, genealogy in the mountains of western North Carolina is outright difficult to research.  The area was too transient for too long, and largely with people for whom the written word may have historically been more of an enemy than a friend.  The extent to which government in the form of records of vital statistics was present was at best limited.  That religious communities in the area were continually in flux for many reasons, but in large measure because of a lack of well-educated clergy, largely eliminated the other usual source of genealogical source material.  The area, while not subject to depredations during the Civil War, had a disadvantage nonetheless: division of loyalties between the north and the south.  That this family produced a southern lieutenant while many or most of the names in the book are more closely associated with northern sympathizers serves to illustrate the point

Second, Jackson is a very common name.  While the difficulty attending research of names like Brown and Smith and Jones and Johnson are well known, the Jackson surname has certainly been among the 10 most common in the United States, and it was especially true at this time.

The document is available as a downloaded PDF file.  It’s 80 pages long and includes ancestry charts and an index of names.  We offer it for $7.50.  Please click the “Buy Now” button to download the document to your computer.

…and here’s what we’re trying!

Normally, when we sell something here on our blog, we refer people to our main website.  That seems like the usual practice, but it occurred to us that we don’t really need to cause you the extra work.

So, we decided to see how it might work if we offered the possibility of buying this download right here!  The price is the same ($7.50) but it’s a little more efficient, we think.

If the genealogy is of interest, try the easy way of getting it.  Just click the “Buy Now” button and get the download immediately.

Of course, we’re also delighted if you visit our main website too.

Here’s our home page.

Here’s our catalog.

And here’s where you can buy this download on our North Carolina page!

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