Among the final items we are planning to bring you this calendar year is some Lewis County, NY material. These two items were originally issued on the Lewis County CD-ROM which we discontinued a few months ago, but are now again making available, but this time, at a substantial savings, as downloadable files in PDF format.
Originally the north end of Oneida County, NY, Lewis County is indisputably part of the “North Country” and as such historical material can be a bit skimpy. We are happy to be able to offer these items to help those who need them.
One of these republications is Child’s redoubtable Gazetteer and Business Directory for Lewis County for 1872-73. Child did these of most New York and Vermont counties, and later expanded into other states. He had a formula for producing these collections of historical material, and, based on this one and other Child Gazetteers we’ve seen, the formula worked very well. Most of the information contained is still of great interest to local historians and genealogists nearly a century and a half later. If you would like more information about this download, please click HERE to go to a page all about it.
The second item is modest in size and of less general interest, but since we have it we would be remiss not to again make it available. This is a survey of local relief in Lewis County in 1906. Extracted from a three volume survey produced by the state in that year, this is information you are unlikely to find elsewhere. However, be advised that this section is short. There were no state hospitals or other facilities in the county at that time, and the services provided by the county itself were quite limited. Nonetheless, you may find that it’s worth a look. Click HERE to go to our main Lewis County page, where you will also find other Lewis County, NY material.