We’ve got some Middletown CT downloads available for you!
Several years ago, we collected a quantity of Middletown, CT material and published it on a CD-ROM, called, somewhat predictably, the
When we decided that times and technology had provided better alternatives than CDs for distributing our material, we took this one out of the catalog along with the others. Now, The Middletown Collection has made its way to the head of the queue as “Middletown CT Downloads” and we are pleased to bring you four new items.
Here’s what is now available:
–The Middletown Real Property List, tabulated by street, for 1931. Want to see exactly where someone lived in 1931 and what their property was valued at? Want to see who lived in a particular location in that year? You can do it with this download.
–The 1947 Cauldron yearbook from Middletown, CT, High School, including the supplement that filled in the blanks representing the time between when the yearbook was published during the school year and graduation. The supplement, by the way, is very hard to find today — not surprisingly — but it is included in the download.
—The Connecticut Quarterly was an elegant magazine about all kinds of Connecticut topics that began in the closing years of the 19th century. One of the earlier communities that received feature article treatment was Middletown! Lovely photos and quite a bit of history here too.
—Middletown Ephemera. One thing we miss about the CD-ROMs was the ability to include random material that certainly didn’t justify a CD of its own, and was even a little weak to make a separate download. However, when we collected the ephemera from this CD, it represented a nice package, and some may find material in it that is of use to them. One item here is the relevant Middletown listings for one of the annual Connecticut Registers. Another is a collection of postcards of Middletown and particularly of the fraternity houses at Wesleyan. A Chamber of Commerce brochure is here, as is the program for the Middletown tercentenary.
Unlike the old days, when you had to buy a CD-ROM with everything on it even if you just wanted one of these items, now you can pick and choose — and probably save yourself a few dollars in the process.
Why not have a look? Take a look at our overall catalog as well. Who knows what might be there for you?