Lakeville Crucifix — News!

We announced the availability of Lakeville Crucifix — A Religious War in 19th Century Connecticut, by Geoffrey Brown, a few weeks ago.

Lakeville Crucifix
Lakeville Crucifix, published by Between the Lakes Group LLC

Now we have some more news!

Lakeville Crucifix is now available in the town where the events happened! We are grateful to Johnnycake Books for offering this volume (the paperback edition) for sale in their Salisbury store, located at 12 Academy Street in Salisbury. You can visit Johnnycake Books’ website HERE for more information on when they’re open and a lot more information about their wonderful inventory of rare and collectible books.

–The paperback edition remains available on Amazon, and now there is a Kindle edition available there too. One word of warning: the Kindle edition places all the footnotes (there are more than 350 of them) at the end. For some this may be a serious inconvenience. Be forewarned!

We are also happy to announce two opportunities to learn more about the Lakeville Crucifix and the 19th century in Connecticut.

–Geoffrey Brown, the author, will be speaking about Lakeville Crucifix on February 23, 2019, at 4 PM, in the Community Room of Scoville Memorial Library in Salisbury, CT. The talk is sponsored by Scoville Memorial Library and the Salisbury Association, and admission is free.

–Lakeville Crucifix will be the book of the month for the book group of Trinity Episcopal Church, Lime Rock. Learn more about that church at their website — HERE